Video Game Creation
Lately, I have been involved with video game design, creation, and conception. I have recently been perfecting 3-D modeling techniques to enrich the games created in Sigonheart Studios. Using the latest video game creation software, raw code, 3-D modeling software, game engines, as well as traditional artwork, story-boarding, and audio recording, we have published our first game and are always working on more Our office is located on south Hampton in St Louis, MO.
List of Games
Rampage Kitty is the first and only published game to be released by Sigonheart Studio for Android phones and can be downloaded at the Google Play Store. You play as a cat named Rampage to knock all the dishes off the table and squishing spiders and mice to achieve high scores and advance to new levels.
Last Kingdom of Dwarves
Eyez is the working title of an unpublished ball rolling construct I made in collaboration with Peat "Eyez" Wollaeger and some coding help and technical advice from Tim Perry. There's 5 levels of terrain to explore and the artwork and patterns all are hallmarks of the famous Eye created by Peat. This isn't technically a game. The purpose of this environment and interaction is to blur the lines between video games and fine art. This construct, to me, is a digital landscape alternative gallery space to showcase and interact with the contemporary artwork of Peat. This exhibit was showcased at Mad Art gallery projected on a 15 foot screen played by the artists and guests attending in late 2018.
Last Kingdom of Dwarves is a long-term collaborative game conceptualized by Tim Perry. It is a 3rd person 3D role playing adventure fantasy game set in a fictional mountain kingdom of dwarves who must defeat an evil necromancer. This game is in the tradition of games like Everquest, Legend of Zelda, and Dragon Warrior, with a good deal of action and gameplay based on statistically generated logic similar to Dungeons and Dragons rulesets. The game is open world and fully animated. Since it is a long term project, it is on the back-burner. I have contributed to this game with 3D models, weapons, interior models, sound foley, score, story-boarding, and gameplay logic.
Planet Wars
Planet Wars is an unpublished space-shooter game that evolved from a previous version of an arcade shooter for Android prototyped by Sigonheart Studios called Galactic Saucer Attack. This PC version is fully 3D with realistic space physics, ie no friction, and thrusters on several axis. I have created models of ships, weapons, planets, and cave-like interiors for exploration, as well as tools, sci-fi artifacts, and other game objects.
Hippie Jam
Hippie Jam is the working title of an untitled unpublished digital terrain gallery featuring the artwork of Phil Strod and Jon Griffin. With permission from the 2 artists, I decided to create a digital interactive space that was outdoors, fun, playful, and could really allow you to interact with the artwork. You play as a tophat donning character who walks around exploring the landscape and squirting everything with your squirt gun. There's chickens, an alien landscape, a banjo soundtrack, and over 40 pieces of artwork featuring pop culture icons and midwest local music references!